Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Entry 392: Blowout

Last night was quite an eventful night for us. We were going over to Mary and Phillip's house to drop off a dinner for them since they have a new baby at home. We were almost to their house when Lance heard a big pop come from the car. Lance knew that it was a blowout and pulled off the highway as soon as he could. Lance has changed his share of flat tires, but this one was a little bit different. He loosened the lug nuts and jacked the car up, but for some reason the tire would not come off. He pulled and pulled and the tire just wouldn't budge. We were just about to call a tow truck when a police officer came by and Lance flagged him down. The officer tried to get the tire off and he couldn't either, but he aid that there was a tow truck just up the street. The tow truck came and using a long crow bar he was able to pry the tire off. Lance finished changing the tire and we were on our merry way, but it was quite the experience for Julie who had never dealt with a flat before.

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