Thursday, April 7, 2011

Entry 388: Sharks and Pregnancy

Lance has had many strange talks with students over the years. Usually these talks are due to things that the students have done and some of Lance's favorites are:

- why when you rob a bank that you should take the bills and not the coins.
- when you pass around sulfur samples in science class, you shouldn't lick it.
- why you shouldn't run around the gym in just your underwear.
- why it is never a good idea to stick your finger in an electric stapler.
- why you should do your homework even though the Mayan calendar says the world will end in 2012.

These are just some of Lance's favorites, but today another talk might have made the list. Lance was asked today to talk to a student about something he did to a pregnant teacher. Lance had no idea what happened, so he asked the student to explain to him why. The student said that he took a ceramic shark and put it to a pregnant teachers belly. We discussed for awhile about this and when I asked what we learned from this the student said: putting a shark next to a woman's belly is not funny. A lesson we should all talk to our children about. Just an FYI, there was much more to the story besides doing this.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Thank you for that very entertaining post. :)