Saturday, February 27, 2010

Entry 261: The Payout

Julie and Lance recently made a bet about the current episode of The Bachelor. When Lance saw Ali for the first time he told Julie that he was sure she would make it to the final two, Julie however didn't share Lance's enthusiasm. We then decided to make a bet: If Ali made the final two then Julie had to go with Lance to an Iowa Hawkeyes football game, but if Ali did not make the final two then Lance would have to buy Julie and authentic Zach Greinke jersey. Ali for some reason decided to leave the show and Julie won the bet. Today we went and bought Julie's jersey and you can see her wearing it below.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Entry 260: Mike and Carol's Wedding

The wedding was on Saturday, February 20 and unfortunately we didn't get to take a lot of pictures because Julie was a bridesmaid in the wedding and Lance videotaped the wedding. The videocamera we have, however, takes pictures at times while you are taping. Below are some of the pictures in randomly shot and some are actually quite good.

Entry 259: Random Pictures

This is Lance's favorite picture. One day we decided to eat lunch at the beach and here is the picture Lance snapped.

Here are the centerpieces for the reception. I loved how this picture came out.

Here is a family picture. I apologize for the blurriness, but someone else took the picture.

When we checked in the hotel there was a little sign that showed Carolyne and Mike getting married.

Here we are on the beach with sailboats going behind us.

Entry 258: Sailboat Pictures

We were able to hit the beach one last time on Saturday and it was by far the best. As we were looking for shells, we noticed all of these sailboats going by us. We decided to sit down on some rocks and just watch them. We found out that the sailboats were being pulled out and when the water was open they were released by the boats pulling them. Like I said it was beautiful.

Entry 257: Beach Pictures

Julie's sister, Carolyne, got married this past Saturday on Honeymoon Island in Florida. We went to the wedding and also had a chance to enjoy some beach time. There was a beach three blocks from our hotel, but we also went to a beach in Clearwater, Florida that we really enjoyed. It was fantastic sitting down and listening to the ocean and we even went and collected some sea shells. We both loved the beach.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Entry 256: Julie's V-Day Gift

Lance got Julie some Valentines Day gifts that she has been wanting for quite some time. He got her some flowers, a Royals hat (she has been eyeing this for quite some time), and two new shirts from Kohl's. Actually Julie picked the shirts out, but Lance did have to go into the store and wait while Julie tried them on. All in all it was a great Valentines Day.

Entry 255: Lance's V-Day Gift

This Valentine's Day Julie really surprised Lance by getting him a new winter jacket. Lance has really been needing one because his old one wouldn't zip up (and this was not good when we had the negative wind chills). It is a really nice Columbia jacket that Lance absolutely loves.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Entry 254: Yet Another Bobby Story

We were both sleeping comfortably last night when, yet again, Bobby decided to show us that he is the boss. At 2:30 in the morning Julie woke Lance up and told him that Bobby was puking. Lance coming out of a deep sleep wasn't thinking very clearly and told Julie that he would be okay. Little did Lance realize that Bobby was actually puking under the covers. By the time Lance figured this out, it was too late and Bobby puked all over the sheets. Needless to say the sheets were changed, but sleep was once again lost because of Bobby. Lance has decided to start a petition to help get rid of Bobby because he is a nuisance.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Entry 253: Bobby Annoys Lance (again)

Lance and Julie's dog Bobby have a love/hate relationship. The dog always seems to want to go places with Lance and for some reason Lance will usually take him. On Thursday night Lance had to run to the store and took Bobby with him. Lance ran into the store and when he came back out the turn signals and headlights were flashing on the car. Lance thought someone was trying to break in, but when he got in the car he figured out that Bobby had just turned on the hazard lights (the switch for this is in the center of the console, so he just jumped up and turned them on). It is amazing how much trouble this dog causes.

Entry 252: Julie Update

We just wanted to let everyone know that Julie is doing much better. Thankfully is wasn't an appendicitis, but looks to be just a stomach bug. She is back to her old self and wants to thank everyone for their concern.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Entry 251: The Huebner's Visit The ER

Julie has not been feeling well since Friday and last night was by far the worst of it. Around midnight Julie got up and rushed to the bathroom and stayed there for a little over two hours. She was rotating between throwing up and diarrhea and was not able to keep anything down. Lance finally made the decision that we were going to the emergency room and he knew Julie was sick because she didn't argue. The wait to get in wasn't bad (just about an hour even), but they kept us there for another three and half hours. The following is what Julie had to endure: many vials of blood being taken, a CT scan, and a catheter being inserted in her (that was by far Julie's favorite). The doctor finally gave us two things it could be. The first diagnosis is a little bit of the stomach bug which isn't a big deal. The second diagnosis was the beginning of an appendicitis. When they did the CT scan they couldn't get a real clear picture of her appendix which made them wonder if maybe that was the problem. Right now Julie is sleeping and on a completely liquid diet for the next 24 hours. If she catches a fever, continues to vomit, or if the stomach pain begins to move we are to hightail it back to the ER.
Last night was no fun, but I did find this part funny. Julie refers to Bobby as her therapy dog, but last night when she got sick Bobby just went to sleep in the bed and Maggie stayed right by Julie's side comforting her. Julie said and I quote, "When the going gets tough, Bobby gets going."