Monday, February 20, 2012

Entry 472: Bella Update

Bella seems to be adjusting to life living with us, and we are beginning to get adjusted to it also. The biggest issue that we have so far is that Bella likes to chew everything. This includes shoes, clothes, fingers, toes, and for some reason Julie's underwear. The biggest adjustment we have had to make so far is Bella's sleep schedule. When Bella is awake, she likes to make sure that everyone is awake. That has not been good when she has been getting up at two in the morning.

Bella and Bobby have also been having a very rocky relationship. Bobby has always been the top dog and has no desire to share that spot with Bella. Bella, however, seems to like to torment Bobby every chance she gets. Bella will run after Bobby and try to play with him, but Bobby wants nothing to do with that. Bobby is gradually warming up to Bella though.

If you want to see pictures of Bella check out Lance's 365 blog and you will see tons of pictures of Bella.

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