Monday, January 16, 2012

Entry 457: Bathroom Updated

As many of you know, we have been slowly making changes to our house, but we recently have begun kicking it up a notch and really redoing all of the rooms. Our goal is to get the whole upstairs done before April and we are pretty close. We finished with the bathroom, guest bedroom, and master bedroom (but Julie has a few finishing touches that she still wants to make, so no pictures of that yet). All we have left is the hallway and Julie's scrapbooking/Royals room. It is a lot of work, but so far we love it.

The first room we took on was the bathroom. This was a difficult room because it took us forever to choose a paint color. We actually tried seven different paint samples, but in the end we choose a color called contented. We actually started off by buying the shower curtain because we both really loved it and then matching a color to it.

Here is what we did to the room:
* Painted the walls.
* Sanded down the vanity and painted it a very dull white to give it a country feel.
* Added new hardware to the vanity.
* Painted all of the trim a bright white.

The only thing we still want to do is to change the counter top on the sink and we will be done with it. Pictures are below.

This is a picture that Lance took from Powell Gardens and we liked it so much we decided to use it in the bathroom.

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