Sunday, February 27, 2011

Entry 360: Funny Dog Story

When we go to work we always have to put Bobby in his crate. We have to do this because he will make a mess in the house (either peeing, pooping, or both) and he will chew anything he can get his mouth around. Lance feels sorry whenever he has to put Bobby up, so when we go on short trips during the weekend we usually let Bobby stay out and put Maggie up. Everything in the house has to be bobby-proofed when he stays out though. Bobby-proofing the house means we put the trashcan up, the Kleenex box has to be put out of his range, and we have to clear the coffee table.

We went shopping on Saturday and as always Bobby-proofed the house. When we got home Lance heard the television going and turned to ask Julie if she left in on. Julie said no and we both wondered what was going on. Lance came in the house and couldn't believe what he saw; Bobby was laying on the couch watching television. Apparently he somehow used the remote to turn on the television and just sat back waiting for us to come home. There is never a dull moment with this dog.

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