Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Entry 349: The Biggest Loser Bet

We have decided that this baseball season we want to go to a Royals away game. We made this decision pretty quickly, but then we have been struggling about which away series to go to. We have it narrowed down to four cities: Seattle, Cleveland, Toronto, and Tampa Bay. Without divulging to much information, let’s just say that Lance likes two of the cities and Julie likes the other two cities. Now this is where The Biggest Loser comes in. The new season started last week and we both decided to pick three people on this season and whoever has the last player standing wins. Now what does the winner get; they get to pick the city we go to for the Royals game. After the rules were laid out (the biggest is that you had to pick at least one girl), the coin was flipped and Julie got first pick. If you look below you will see the players Julie and Lance choose and if you click their name you can see the players bio.

Julie chose: Arthur, Courtney, and Moses

Lance chose: Rulon, Austin, and Jennifer

This is what we call a compromise because Julie loves watching The Biggest Loser and it will give Lance a reason to watch it. May the best Huebner win.

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